Commercial, Competition & Distribution Law

One of the main concerns of any business, regardless of the sector of activity, whether its customers are consumers or professionals, whether it operates nationally, internationally or even online, is the capacity to sell its products and services.

Thanks to experienced lawyers who are well versed in competition, consumer and distribution law issues, our “Commercial, Competition & Distribution Law” team can advise you at all stages and on all issues related to the marketing of products and services.

Our job as lawyers is to offer the following services to our clients:
A careful and thorough understanding
Carefully listening and conscientiously understanding their needs and of the general as well as the specific context surrounding them (situation and evolution of the relevant market, competitive context, rights or constraints due to regulatory requirements, new opportunities, customer expectations…).
An overall analysis of the situation
Overall analysis of the situation on the basis of the previously gathered information, in order to develop, together with our clients, solutions that may be more or less closely related to legal issues.
Specific advice
Specific advice on all regulatory issues that need to be taken into account in order to market their products or services in the best possible way, regardless of whether these regulations fall under distribution law (Exclusive distribution’ right? Why is this or that distribution method chosen? Which law is an agency agreement subject to? Which elements should be taken into account depending on the type of signed contract? How does one coordinate ordinary distribution with online distribution? etc.), competition law (How can sales be promoted without risking accusations of unfair competition or anti-competitive practices? To what extent may a party talk about the products and services of a third party? Where is the line between joint inspiration or innovation and counterfeiting? How does one deal with possible transfers of employees and competences between competing companies? etc…) or consumer protection law (How does one communicate with consumers? What are the obligations regarding price labelling? Which advertising policy should be preferred? etc…).
A reactive and powerful assistance
A reactive and powerful assistance in the context of litigation cases either initiated by our clients themselves or which they are facing in the course of their activities. In this case, it is essential to carefully take into account the context as well as the expectations of the client in order to define the best strategy, adaptable at any time. Such proceedings are often brought before the commercial courts, but also before the civil courts, arbitration courts and sometimes even criminal or administrative courts.

In our day-to-day activities, we pursue two main objectives:

  1. to provide our clients with the best possible information on the legal context that is crucial to their field of activity, so that they always have the comprehensive legal knowledge necessary for decision-making, and
  2. to act as a mediator so that the legal requirements do not constitute an obstacle to their projects, but rather contribute to finding a solution that meets their expectations.

Partners, Heads of Department

Jean-François Davené Partner

Martin Riedel Partner

Carina Grigorian Partner

Francesca Ciappi PARTNER