Annulment of an arbitral award: a judgment of April 5th, 2022
8 April 2022

A great success for the law firm klein • wenner  which has successfully assisted the Gabonese Republic in a litigation before the Paris Court of Appeal.

On April 5th, 2022, the Court annulled an arbitral award which had ordered the Gabonese Republic to pay 150 million euros to a group operating in the public works sector.

The Paris Court of Appeal annulled the award on the grounds of a violation of international public order due to corruption of foreign public officials.

An emblematic case for both our firm and Gabon, for which we collaborated with the law firm LinklatersArnaud de La CotardièreRoland Ziade and Louis-Marie Morin.

The law firm klein • wenner is glad about the successful conclusion of these proceedings, in which the legal and financial issues were very significant.

Congratulations to the entire arbitration team: Georges AramaNina HalimiAnaïs Clouet – PictonPascal Ithurbide and Sarah Teboul

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